Craniosacral Therapy

Ready to take your wellness to the next level?

What is it?

Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, hands-on technique that enhances the body’s self-healing abilities. Operating as its own physiological system, the craniosacral (CS) system is essentially the ebb and flow of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that surrounds the brain and spinal cord as it’s produced and reabsorbed in a semi-closed hydraulic system. This creates a subtle rhythmic expansion and contraction of the body as it pulses, called craniosacral motion.

How It Works

A typical treatment begins with my client lying down. First, I feel the rhythm at various points in the body to assess the rate, amplitude, symmetry and quality of the pulse for any abnormalities. This directs me to where in the body tension is being held. I then work with the body to facilitate the letting go of layers of physical or emotional restrictions in the fascia and other tissues. This is an allowing technique rather than a forcing. The held trauma begins to release from the tissues through my specific hand placement, intention and direction of energy. Once the block of tension is removed, it allows the affected structures to slowly start to move into more optimal alignment. It’s always the body letting go, and I follow as it softly unwinds. Because the fascia is one continuous piece of connective tissue from head to toe, addressing limitations in one area can free up movement in another.

Conditions Craniosacral Therapy Helps With

It is especially beneficial in treating headaches, musculoskeletal injury, neck/back/pelvic pain, joint inflammation and lack of range of motion, as well as asthma and other disease processes. However, I truly believe anyone can benefit because we all use our bodies daily and thus build up emotional tension. I’ve yet to find a person with a body (experiencing symptoms or not) without imbalances or restrictions. Often they are unaware, and typically don’t become aware, until it’s expressed as physical discomfort or disease.

CranioSacral Therapy is also suitable for children of all ages, from newborns 3+months to adolescents. It can be particularly beneficial for those experiencing:

  • Birth trauma
  • Colic, Feeding, and Digestive Issues
  • Learning difficulties
  • Sensory processing disorders
  • Autism spectrum disorders
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Emotional and behavioral challenges